Friday, August 13, 2010


My vacation didn’t started as perfect as I planned! After Dennis dropped me off at the San Francisco airport, my flight to Washington got delay for more than one hour and a half. I was so nervous because I wouldn’t have time to take my connection to Connecticut. With help from one of the ladies at the United balcony, I changed my seat so I could be the first one to leave the plane and run to the next gate just in time to board. During the flight, I relaxed sure that I would make it; I watched a movie (Mary & Max, animation, really cute) and listened some music. Suddenly I realized that my next flight was about to take off and until that moment the pilot didn’t say anything about landing. I asked the flight attendance what was going on and she say we would probably be landing in the next 45 minutes. 45 minutes!? I freaked out at the plane, and anybody couldn’t do anything for me. I didn’t have a choice but wait until the plane touched the ground.
I run off the plane as soon as the door opened and received the notice that even if I made it on time (which I didn’t) my flight was canceled because of the weather. I saw that I was booked for the next day at 12:20pm and immediately got so piss off. It was around 11:45pm and I decide to stand in line at the United customer services for almost two hours just to hear a very rude lady called Betty, from United Airlines, that they couldn’t do nothing else for me. Gosh I never saw somebody be so rude with customers in my life. She was in line saying that everybody should find a hotel and deal with it; United would never pay for it because it wasn’t their fold. Seriously, she scared off at least 40 people to flight with United Airlines again. I am one of them. I got so tired of that bitch doing such a bad job, scaring off people from the line, that I left the line and called Dennis, asked him to find a hotel room for me online while I call Kate to give the bad news.
I called Kate and let her know that I wouldn’t be in Hartford Airport, Connecticut, tonight and she had to pick me up tomorrow, and I was stuck in Washington for the night. I think she was ok with that. I was really embarrassed about that because I’m staying in her house and I know she’s a very busy woman. Dennis found me a room at Marriot, pretty close to the airport, and I took a cab until there. I finally shake the stress out with a good long bath shower and watched TV until I finally slept. I woke up just in time, took another bath, and leave the hotel back to the airport. I checked in and board a little unhappy because I still had to do that last flight with United Airlines. The airplane left even a little earlier and I was desperate to arrive in Hartford Airport and have a really cold beer while I wait for Kate. I put a DVD in my computer and started watching Sex in the City; Dennis and I decided to start watching from the beginning. After a little less than one hour flying, I noticed everybody looking behind, so I took out my headphones and everybody was asking if there were any doctor on board.
There were this woman all shaking a few chairs behind me. She started having a seizure and it took about ten minutes for her recovered back to normal. Suddenly the pilot announced that we’re landing in the next 15 minutes, I though, “I think we had more 45 minutes of flight…” and he finish saying that we‘re landing at Philadelphia Airport, in am emergency, for the women who just had a seizure. I laugh, all loud. I didn’t believe it was happening with me. We stayed on ground for approximate one and a half hour. The women left the plane and the cleaning company came to clean the chair, and we stayed awaiting permission from the tower to leave the ground. When I though the thinks couldn’t get worse, when we was about to fly another plane from stupid United Airlines had to make an emergency landing in front of us because of some mechanical problems. I promised god never fly with United Airlines again.
I arrived really tired at Kate’s house, took a shower, a nap, called Dennis and relaxed for a few hours until time to meet her friends. Kate’s house is this old condo from hundreds of years ago; it’s a very cute neighborhood full of historic “New England” houses. Kate’s friends, which I didn’t memorize their names yet, are really funny and crazy, but they all seem to be nice people. We went to a club downtown New Haven and had a good time dancing and talking. I enjoy it more than I expect because I kind of didn’t like the music at all. During the night we planned to go to Manhattan Saturday to spend the day, and we all decided to go together.
In one of my times in the restroom, I saw something that reminded me the old times at the parties in Rio: two guys leaving the cabin really high while three others go inside. I would love to be invited but I decided to keep myself invisible and pretend don’t see it; it’s my vacation in my friend’s house and I didn’t want screw my Saturday sleeping the whole day after a night full of drugs. I didn’t want to go back to it at least that in that moment.
We arrived home around three and I slept like a rock until 9:30am.

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