Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It has been 3 weeks since Crea passed away in our arms at the backyard. It was a Tuesday night when she got so bad that Dennis and I decided to call the vet to put her to sleep. The vet came and saw that there was the moment we’re so afraid of. It was a very particular moment and very beautiful… it was definitely sad, but we knew we’re doing the right thing ending the suffering of our dog that we love so much. Our life is getting to the “normal” but we’ll always look her pictures around the house and miss her. We gave her food to her mom Clowe, across the street, and threw away her favorite blanket. The puppies still have her bed but we decide do not give her favorite thing to them. I put her favorite toy on my desk, and I’m not allowing the other puppies play with it. I like to have it there, makes me think about her when she was happy and healthy playing around. Dennis got really depressed and sick after Crea’s death but he seems getting better. We cried a lot, but he stayed in bed for a few days. He got her axes from the vet Friday and we planned to spread in the backyard this weekend but I couldn’t do it. I’m still not ready for it. I touched that wood box and felt her energy around… like, for a moment, I could feel her walking around the house again. I’m not ready to open it and let it go, so now the box is under her beautiful picture in our bedroom.

With the life coming back to normal, we’re returning to our routine. College is going good, just miss one week to end the summer class and I’m so ready for it! This class turned really hard for me and made me afraid of the next classes coming on fall. Next semester I’ll be taking 5 classes plus work. I have no idea if I’ll be able to handle this. This time I’ll need Dennis support more than never.

I’m meeting new people around the city, really nice ones. I meet this guy Brandon who lived in Rio for a while and we actually had a nice talk in Portuguese. I feel really comfortable around him; he seems to be a really nice guy. It’s too earlier to know if I’m making a friend or not, that’s my problem in country; I could considered Brandon my friend if we’re in Brazil, but her, it takes a while. I’ve been in contact with people from last semester too. Some weeks ago Daniel, from geography class, invited me to do yoga with him in a club in Berkeley. I really had a good time and I’m looking forward to do it again.

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